4DIAC Properties

4DIAC-IDE Preferences

Before starting with the engineering process of IEC 61499 Applications, you should set the preferences for the 4DIAC-IDE under Window/Preferences/4DIAC. There are different preference pages where various parameter settings for the 4DIAC-IDE can be made, like different colors, connection routers or the location of the FORTE executable. Please set the location within FBRT Preferences and FORTE Preferences if you want to start FBDK or FORTE within the Deployment perspective of 4DIAC-IDE. For FBRT specify the path/fbrt.jar and for FORTE path/forte.exe.

4DIAC-IDE Preferences

4DIAC Symbols and Element Properties

Selecting an element (e.g. Systems, Devices, Resources, Applications, Function Blocks, ...) and pressing the right mouse button opens the context menu with several menus to manipulate the specific element. The following general toolbar items are provided: